I have a plan for dinner.

It's slow at my job today; which is fine, we're shorthanded.  The two people missing are either of the people that would help me if only one of them was gone.  So I have no backup.  So, here's to hoping it stays so slow I can attempt a little writing in the middle of the day.

Since finishing the first draft of In the House of In Between for NaNoWriMo in November, I've mused, written notes, read (and read and read and read), and done a little editing to the main framing element of the story.  Monday evening I started the second draft with the intention of writing every day for the next three months.  I wrote a lot more last night than I wrote Monday which actually consisted of mostly cutting & pasting and reading some more.

I've been reading my own stuff, a book debunking spiritualists by Harry Houdini, and several physics articles (I'd like to note that the quite gracious +Dave Goldberg of Ask A Physicist has pointed me in splended directions).  In the House of In Between (yes, I've opted to slightly change the title, splitting "Inbetween" into two words) takes place in three eras.  Each of these times are haunted by war and tied together by a single house that can only be described as haunted, but by who or what has defied explanation.  That's where the physics comes in.  I've always liked the idea that time has no rules governing which way it ticks and that space is a fabric that is bent and manipulated by time and gravity's merciless march.

My idea is that ghosts, poltergeists, hauntings of all types, are a natural phenomena.  If not a trick of light or sound, than of space itself.  Think of those neat places where you can manipulate echoes based on architecture.  To me, ghosts are the echoes of time on the architecture of space (damn, that sounds good, that might make it into the book!).  To see or hear something supernatural, you've found yourself in the groove of space/time that matches an old event.  To be physically affected, like with a poltergeist, your physical presence fits into the groove perfectly and you actually experience the event for yourself.  But how do those grooves form?  That's what I'm exploring in my story.

I know everything that happens, but it is certainly rough.  Some of it needs to be tightened, some loosened up.  My plan of writing straight for three months is to try and bang out a proper novel.  Then a month or two of editing.  I really hope to get In the House of In Between into your hands by September, but that's tentative of course, I'm not setting a release date just yet.

I may not have certainty over my novel's immediate future, but I certainly know what I'm making for dinner tonight.  Turkey sausage in a Jack Daniel's Honey BBQ glaze, mashed sweet potatoes, and green beans with bacon & onion salt.


Step Right Up